Pass-by-value and std::move is suggested by clang-tidy whenever your function is just a wrapper. And that’s why I used this idiom in the pool_type playground repository. But during the last meetup came out that I can improve it, at least at some extent, by leveraging the more generic std::forward instead of std::move. That’s why, in the following code, both Connection and Listener are template alias:

Connection on(Listener f) noexcept {
    return onL.emplace(onL.cend(), std::move(f));

So std::forward can be leveraged yielding the following code:

Connection on(Listener&& f) noexcept {
    return onL.emplace(onL.cend(), std::forward<Listener>(f));

This is an improvement in performance (verified by godbolt). But I’m not sure about the lifetime safety. I guess if someone is using this pool_type template class passing to the ::on a local instantiation of a std::function, it will simply segfault.

I will talk with the maintainer of uvw to understand if this improvement can be ported on the upstream repo too.



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